-Obtain a position in which I can learn about business and the culinary arts.
-Skills in baking, pastry, and cooking.
-Skills in sculpting, drawing, and design.
-Aug 07 – Present: Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts- 2501 Flora St Dallas, Tx 75201- 12th Grade
Studied in visual arts learning skills in two dimensional as well as three- dimensional art making. Gained more knowledge of the basics of art and explored the different types of work styles as well as artists.
-Jul 10 - Aug 10: El Centro College- 801 Main Street Dallas, Tx 75202- 12th Grade
I took a physical education course in order to increase my physical strength and endurance and learn self- defense techniques.
Volunteer Service
-Feb 10 - Feb 10: Volunteer for painting stands for a sculpture show- Grade 11- Total Hours: 2
I stayed after school in order to help paint stands for a school hosted sculpture show.
-May 08, 2008: Eddie Bernice Johnson 30th Congressional District Competition Certificate- Grade 9
I received a certificate for entering this competition.
-May 09,2009: Eddie Bernice Johnson 30th Congressional District Competition Certificate- Grade 10
I received a certificate for entering this competition.
-May 10, 2010: College Board AP Studio Art 3D Design- Grade 11
In my AP 3D Design course, I submitted selected artwork of mine to the College Board. I received a 5, the highest score that can be given to any student.
Music/Artistic Achievement
-Jan 08 - Jan 08: Scrap can be Beautiful- Grade 9
A competition in which I had my worked entered for a chance to win a cash prize and get my work displayed at Commercial Metals Company. I had my work displayed for corporate members of the Commercial Metals Company to view and buy. Sold a sculpture for one hundred and fifty dollars.
-Feb 08 - Mar 08: Spire Realty Sculpture Exhibition at Brian Towers- Grade 9
-Apr 08 - May 08: 2008 Eddie Bernice Johnson 30th Congressional District Competition- Grade 9
-Jan 09 - Jan 09: Scrap can be Beautiful- Grade 10
A competition in which I had my worked entered for a chance to win a cash prize and get my work displayed at Commercial Metals Company. I had my work displayed for corporate members of the Commercial Metals Company to view and buy.
-Apr 09 - May 09: 2009 Eddie Bernice Johnson 30th Congressional District Competition- Grade 10
-Jan 10 - Jan 10: Scrap can be Beautiful- Grade 11
A competition in which I had my worked entered for a chance to win a cash prize and get my work displayed at Commercial Metals Company. I had my work displayed for corporate members of the Commercial Metals Company to view and buy. Sold a sculpture for two hundred and fifty dollars.
-Feb 10 - Mar 10: Sculpture and Printmaking Show- Grade 11
-Mar 10 - Apr 10: Mixed Media Show- Grade 11
-May 10 - Jun 10: Ceramics and Painting Show- Grade 11